This weekend, January 13-15, I am so thrilled to be a part of this fantastic event!
"In support of the scientific skeptic movement, LogiCalLA creates a place for critical thinkers to meet face-to-face and to experience presentations from nationally recognized speakers who will share their knowledge and insights with us. Come join us as we build a nationwide community at Los Angeles’ only annual conference for skeptics.
Besides having some of the best speakers in the nation coming to speak on a variety of topics, LogiCalLA will present an exciting mix of events during the weekend: Friday night Anti-Superstition party, Saturday night Comedy Show, Sunday Assembly meeting, Sunday afternoon geological field trip, a movie screening with the director and executive producer, and finally, to end the weekend, an exciting Sunday night secular concert. We hope you can attend this unique and enlightening conference!"
I will performing during the lunch break, this Saturday and Sunday at The Hyatt Hotel at Los Angeles International Airport, and possibly at other times during the event. Check out the schedule:

5:00pm: Free lecture, “What is Scientific Skepticism?” with Skeptics Guide to the Universe co-host Bob Novella, Skeptoid founder Brian Dunning and LA skeptic Ross Blocher. Open to the Public
7:30pm – 12:00am: Anti-Superstition Party! (Don’t miss this entertaining event!) *
Continental breakfast buffet*
9am Brian Dunning, 10am Angie Mattke, 11am Comics in Skepticism Panel
12pm – 1pm: Lunch*, music by Jonny Miller
1pm Joe Nickell, 2pm Mark Edward, 3pm Break, 3:15pm Gad Saad
5pm – 6pm: VIP Cocktail Fundraiser (Sign up and enjoy the company of all of our speakers)
6pm – 7pm: Dinner *
7:15pm – 8:15: Sean Carroll
8:30 – 10pm: Comedy Show *
*(separate purchase required)
7:45am Continental breakfast buffet *
8am -12pm: Geological Field Trip*
9am – 9:45am: Sunday Assembly
10am Movie screening “A Year Without God” with Ryan J. Bell and executive producer
10am Discussion Group with several of our speakers
12pm – 12:40pm: Lunch*, music by Jonny Miller
12:45 Seth Andrews, 1:30pm Elizabeth Loftus, 2:15Dan Barker, 3pm Break, 3:15pm Donald Prothero, 4:15pm Eugenie Scott, 5:15 Jerry Coyne
6:00pm – 7:00pm: Dinner*, music by Jonny Miller
7:30pm – 10:00pm: A Secular Concert with Roy Zimmerman, Shelley Segal, and Dan Barker *
*(separate purchase required)